Thursday, March 5, 2015

It's Time

The time is finally here!! I always thought about the moment that I go into labor. I imagined my water would break and I'd call my family and say "IT'S TIME!" LOL! Welp! That's not quite how my journey is going to play out unless I go into labor before Sunday night. Destin is measuring in at 8lbs 8oz. Give or take a half pound. BIG BOY!!  I'm eager to see how close the ultra sound gets to his true birth weight. We shall see. My Docs and I decided to go ahead and induce at 39 weeks vs waiting and potentially having to induce after 40 weeks anyways. I have personal reasons, that I don't care to speak about, for not wanting to wait until after 40 weeks. Soooo the good news is my son's journey into this world will start Sunday night. Estimated birthday is Monday, March 9. My college roommate, Tasha Butts, birthday is March 10th. She called it that he would be born on her birthday.  PSYCHIC!! Go play the mega millions Butts!! I'm calling half now. LOL! There is still a chance I could go into labor before my scheduled induction. I am 1 1/2 cm dilated. We shall see!!!

My pregnancy journey has been awesome! I ask all my prayer warriors to say a prayer for me and my baby boy Sunday night and Monday morning. To all my non praying folks send all the good vibes and happy thoughts our way. Please and Thank You to all. I'm normally so good at putting my feelings and emotions into words. I'm feeling so many different emotions that I can't really do that right now. Just know I am so grateful for this moment and time in life. I'm so excited to share my lil man with all of you!!! I'll be a freaking mom the next time I check in. OHHH MUHHH GAHH!!

WARNING: If you are the type of person that hates people that post pics of their baby all day everyday.  Go click unfollow right now on all my social media pages. LOL! No offense taken. He will be about the only thing I post. I know me and could give 2 shits (pardon my language) about people that dont like it. Love ya!! 

How far along? 39 weeks

Total weight gain/loss? I gained 30-35 lbs during this pregnancy.  I started off at 187 lbs and I've been fluctuating between 220-225. 

Bump showing? My last bump pic of my sweet boy.

Maternity Clothes? Cotton and Spandex.

Stretch Marks? Giving all honor and praise to God. I made it throughout the pregnancy journey stretch mark free. Halleluuuuj!!! 

Sleep? Sleep has been very difficult with the belly and the frequent trips to the bathroom. I've been taking Tylenol PM to help get a few consecutive hours at night. I think the Tylenol helps my back at night too. 
Dreams? Every dream lately I have been breastfeeding. Idk whats up with that. Some dreams I'm successful and others it's just a mess.

Best moment this week? Finding out I will be loving on my baby boy Monday!!! 

Miss anything? Can't say I'm missing anything this week. Taking in these last moments with him safely inside of me.

Baby movement? He's been quite busy. It feels like he's doing yoga poses in there. 

Workout this week? I've been walking alot trying to go in labor naturally.

Hormonal moment of the week? My emotions have been all over the place. I don't know if that's hormones or just my nerves.

Food cravings? No.

Anything making you queasy or sick? No.

Purchased any baby things yet? Finally purchased the chair and ottoman which came damaged. Grr. My new one has been shipped and I'm waiting on UPS to get it together and come pickup the broke one. 

Gender prediction? BOY!

Baby Names? Destin Wayne

Other body changes? He's totally dropped. I can breath again!! The round ligament pains in my groins hurt so bad. I have to literally pause and breath to get through them. Madness.

Belly button in or out? Belly button is out and dang near pointing down to the floor. 

Happy or moody most of the time? I'm happy and nervous. 

Looking forward to? The moment I hear him cry for the first time. The moment I smell him for the first time. The moment I look into my sons eyes for the first time.  The moment he falls asleep in my arms for the first time. I'm looking forward to all of our first times together.

Until next time...Be Blessed Folks!!! 


  1. Congrats! I hope you keep your blog going. Thanks for sharing your story. Just know there is another single mom by choice in Oklahoma rooting for you and Destin! I will follow along on IG. :)

  2. Congrats! I hope you keep your blog going. Thanks for sharing your story. Just know there is another single mom by choice in Oklahoma rooting for you and Destin! I will follow along on IG. :)
