Saturday, December 6, 2014

26 WEEKS!!

PATIENCE, PATIENCE, PATIENCE!!! I only have 98days=14weeks=3 1/2 months!!! I'm so geeked to meet my son. I want time to fly and then when he gets here just slow all the way down.

How far along? 6 1/2 months

Total weight gain/loss? I have gained 19lbs. I'm pretty happy with that. I got my eating back under control. I'm not trying to deal with losing alot of weight after I give birth. My goal was to only gain 25-30lbs. I bumped that up to 40lbs lol. Give me some wiggle room.

Bump showing? The bump has popped out. I'm getting the googly eyes from total strangers now. People have been so nice asking before they rub my belly. I'm so used to having random convos with folks bc I'm so tall. Now we talk about my baby bump and how tall I am. Ha!


Maternity Clothes? Talltique sent me a few items that are perfect for my growing belly. I'm still squeezing into my jeans and using a hair tie to keep them buttoned. 

Stretch Marks? Nope! Kathleen didn't get them so I'm hoping that's hereditary. I just stay oiled up. 

Sleep? I'm back to being a night owl. I just watch tv until I fall asleep. Between the 100 new episodes Forensic Files just released and Big Cat Week on National Geographic Channel it's always something good to watch at night. My back has been hurting lately so that keeps me from getting a good nights rest too.

Dreams? I've been fighting and beating up folks in my dreams. This has to be from falling asleep to Forensic Files.

Best moment this week? One of my best friends came back into my life this week. It felt so good to talk to her. It has been way too long. I'll never let that happen to us again. I really love her and I've truly missed her. We chatted for almost 3 hours. I can hear her happiness and growth. Which makes my heart smile.  She has as an almost 5 month old baby boy now too. So, now our boys will be able to grow up together. And, who better to tell Destin about how his mama used to be than her. :-)

I also went house shopping with my baby sister, Trina. I continue to be proud of her. Shopping for her first home is such an amazing moment to be apart of. I brag on the kid alot but she always gives me a reason to be a proud Big Sissy!!! My sister is better than yours!

Miss anything? Nothing this week.

Baby movement? He's been getting it popping in there. His long legs are stretched out along my left side. So, when I lay on my left side he goes nuts. I politely roll over to the right side. He also moves the most when we are at church and Pastor Davis starts preaching. I don't know what that means. If he's going to be a man of the cloth I best clean up my act alot more. Lol. He has a heathen mama. 

Workout this week? Nah!!

Hormonal moment of the week? Nothing this week. 

Food cravings? I've been on my soups and salads this week. A nurse told me to watch my sodium intake so I don't get swollen. I'm always in the mood for some good bbq. Phat Daddy's hooked me up on Friday. So yummy!!! I ate my food at 3 something PM and got right in the bed. ITIS!!

Anything making you queasy or sick? I've been having heartburn. Jenn told me that means your baby is going to have a full head of hair.  YASSS!!! But, "WE SHALL SEE!"

Purchased any baby things yet? I always buy my baby something. I can't help it. I know he's going to grow out of everything blah blah blah! He's my first baby and it makes me feel good to buy him things. Just get ready to see his lil face on Facebook, IG and Twitter a few times a day with different outfits on. He got some new Tennessee gear. I had to get me a bigger Lady Vol shirt too. My orange UT shirt won't make it into the new year.  Go Lady Vols! Go Vols!

Gender prediction? It's a Boy!!!

Baby Names? Destin Wayne Robinson aka Dez aka DROB 

Other body changes? My boobs are ginormous. I feel like I need to start calling them Tits or something more xxx. These girls are plump!!! 

Belly button in or out? It has popped all the way out. 

Happy or moody most of the time? I'm happy! Totally igg the things that take me out of my happy space. "Aint nobody got time for dat!" 

Looking forward to? The birth of my bff Jennifer's baby girl Stella. She will be here by Dec. 13!!! I love being an Auntie!!!

Until next time...Be Blessed folks xoxo

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Girl? Boy?

Is it a boy or a girl?? Solve the riddle...

Need a hint? Check out the first letter of each sentence...YOU GOT IT!! Yes that's it!!
My son, Destin Wayne Robinson :-)
I cannot wait to meet my lil man. Geeked!!! Be blessed good people!! 

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

My Sperm Daddy

Picking my Sperm Daddy was challenging mainly because I wouldn't say I was a person that just loved making long-term commitments. I tend to shy away from that life long, til death do us part type commitment.  My little one is worth the challenge. 

How I chose my donor:
1. Choose a licensed and accredited Sperm Bank.  If you can, go visit the facility or have someone in that area go check it out for you.  I always read reviews from other customers. I think it's important to hear what other people have to say. This is big business for these companies so do your research before spending your money. 

2. I had to pick whether I wanted a donor that was "Anonymous" or a donor that was "Willing To Be Known (WTBK)." Anonymous means that he never wants to be contacted in the future. WTBK means that he is willing to be contacted by the child when that child reaches adulthood age, which is 18 years.  I chose WTBK. I didn't want to take that opportunity away from my child from knowing and identifying with the other half of his/her DNA. I thought about if it was me and would I want to meet this person. I know would. I'm not sure what my baby will want, but the option will be there.  I want my child to want to meet this person, for selfish reasons. I would love to meet face to face so I can say "THANK YOU!" We shall see!!

3. I developed a 5 point scale for each category that was important to me.  Height, Weight, Body Build, Education, and Career Goals. Bonus points for eye color and if he played sports. 6'2 was the shortest I was willing to go. Any shorter got you exempt. Shout out to the short men!! I love yall too but I couldn't chance my baby being a shorty! lol!! From my point scale I picked a top 10 donors. I purchased the pics, BIG BUSINESS, of my top 5 highest scores. Let me tell yaaaa. I was not attracted to any of them, but 1. Which leads me to...

4. I picked the donor I was most physically attracted to. The donor that I thought was HOT!! The donor that "COULD GET IT!" #SHAME...When I wasn't attracted to my top 5 I purchased the next 5 donor pics. That's when I saw my Sperm Dadddy. I found THE ONE! I purchased, BIG BUSINESS, his long profile and I was sold. His reasoning for donating was honorable and the person who he admires the most was his mom! AWWWWW! He seems like a great person. I don't know him, but I pray I'm favored enough to hug his neck one day. 

SIDENOTE: The donor will not be notified of conception or birth. If he wants to know if anyone has concieved or had offspring he will have to notify the Sperm Bank where they will tell him how many offspring he has in the world, but nothing more.  On the other hand  I feel like I know everything about this guy except his name. Also, most sperm banks have a limit to how many families a donor can be used by. Which is a good thing so that movie with Vince Vaughn, Delivery Man, will never be reality for my little one. Yikes. 

Until next time...BE BLESSED!!! XOXO

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Half-Baked...20 Week Update

This little superstar is half way here!!!! I'm getting super excited!!!

How far along? 20 weeks or 5 months

Total weight gain/loss? I ummm (gulp) have gained...15 lbs. Yikes.  I cannot complain because I have enjoyed all the home cooked southern meals. Kathleen has been on it. I get my mama's cooking about 2 times a week w/o even asking. My extra hungry self  will make request tho. My little neighbor Cooper, who I nicknamed Baby Boy, brought me over a big juicy piece of chicken off the grill, stuffed jalopenos, and rice the other night just to do something nice for someone (great parenting). I Smashed! I need to take them back their plate too.

Bump showing? I'll let yall be the judge of that one...

Maternity Clothes? I need to go shopping for a few comfy things. I prefer everything cotton and stretchy. I've been that person that when I sit down I unbutton and unzip my pants if need be bc I cannot take the digging. Also, I'm positive the folks sitting behind me at church a few sundays ago got a show that is not meant for the CHUUCH!!  Crack is Wack!! Forgive me St. John!!! 

Stretch Marks? Nope! Kathleen didn't get them so I'm hoping that's hereditary. I just stay oiled up. 

Sleep? Some nights I sleep sound and others I just can't get comfy. I cherish nap time.  No more Fiestas only Siestas. (ha! #corny)

Dreams? I've been dreaming of my baby. Mainly what she/he is going to look like.

Best moment this week? My little sister, Trina, is the Head Women's Basketball Coach at Irving High School and the Women's Coordinator. We have our very own HBIC!!! "HOW U DOIN!" I got to go to her first week of official practice. I AM BEYOND PROUD OF HER. She really is becoming my shining star. To see my baby do her thing gives me life.

Miss anything? I miss being in the gym. Going to Trina's practices and getting to help out was uplifting. I love the game and I'm for sure my playing days are over, but I don't want to lose touch. It always feels good to give back to our youth. My calling isn't coaching. I'm starting to think working with our future ballers might be tho...

Baby movement? I've been feeling flutters and what feels like a frog in my belly from time to time. I  think it's my baby! Yay!!!

Workout this week? I passed to the post and did 6 touches of the width of the court. Whoop!!

Hormonal moment of the week? I've been pretty good this week.  My Aunt Lois was really sick for awhile and that had me all messed up thinking about if she wasn't going to be here to experience my first born. I got all in my feelings about my baby not getting to know such an important person in our lives. To God be the glory. Everything looked so grave and now my Auntie called me today just to tell she met someone at her rehabilitation center that I went to high school with.  She is doing great and making a full recovery. 

Food cravings? Muffins, cookies, cakes, bread, pies...Thanksgiving is going to be out of control if I'm still craving all these goodies!! 

Anything making you queasy or sick? I have a lil cold. Stopped up nose, sneezing and coughing. The coughing is the worst part with all the Ebola panic. I feel like people are giving me the sideeye. 

Purchased any baby things yet? Kathleen and Tree hooked up their grandbaby with the cutest outfits. This kid is going to be rotten. The Storm also sent us a sweet little gift. I'm grateful I got to be apart of such a great organization! Hey #STORMCRAZIES!!!
Thank you Shannon and all the Storm family for welcoming me into the mommy club!!  

Gender prediction? I know what I'm having bc I did the Harmony test. I went in for my 18-22 week ultra sound. Welp! The baby was breech, laying on its stomach with the legs tucked tightly up underneath. The cutest thing ever. My baby finally moved and we got a glimpse of what's in between those legs. But, I want a better picture before I say if its a girl or boy. I go back in a couple weeks to get better pics. The gender reveal post is coming in 2 weeks no matter if I get my pic or not. I can't wait to show yall the cute little clothes we have. 

Baby Names? Yes. I've had my baby names for about 5 years now.  I'm such a girl!! 

Other body changes? I've been having all the ligament pains. I feel my body making room for baby. 

Belly button in or out? To my surprise its popping out. Stay tuned for my third nipple. NOT CUTE!

Happy or moody most of the time? I'm happy most of the time. 

Looking forward to? My next sonogram appointment. Always love seeing my baby. 

I'll check back later this week with my post on how I picked my donor...Be blessed people!!! Spread the L-O-V-E!!!! 

Wednesday, October 15, 2014


Hey Y'all!!!! Let me share my TTC story...SIDENOTE: This would be so much easier if I would stop being lazy and just do a video blog. BUT! That would take me doing my hair, makeup and obsessing on how I look and sound.

HAHAHAHA! That never gets old! 

TTC...Trying to Conceive. I learned so many new acronyms during this process. Thank goodness for Google. Keeps me in the know. Anywho!  Each woman's TTC story is totally different. I just hope my story can help folks with their journey to getting pregnant. Here's my TTC story:

TMI ALRET!!!! It was a go as soon as I started my cycle in June. My cycle is like clock work every month my entire life so, I knew all the details. 28 day cycle, 6 day period. My OBGYN informed me that most likely I ovulate on Day 14 of my cycle. Just to be sure I purchased a First Response Ovulation Kit from Walgreens. After my period I started the ovulation kit. All you do is pee on a stick every morning waiting for the day the test result to say "POSITIVE,"  which means you are ovulating, which means YO EGG HAS DROPPED! Most people would have waited until the next cycle to start trying but I stepped out on faith hoping that Day 14 of my cycle would be the day I ovulated. In other words, I'm impatient and when I make my mind up to do something I get right to it.  I had already decided on my donor sperm. My sperm bank isn't located in Texas so it was shipped to my front door. YES, my donor sperm got delivered via FedEx! Ha!
The day I ovulated was on a Saturday, so I planned to do an at home intracervical insemination (ICI). The ICI is basically the same process as having sex naturally and getting pregnant EXCEPT you get have a little 1 ml syringe to pinch hit for the penis...I had my cousin who's a nurse come over to be the lead inseminator bc I didn't want to mess up or do anything wrong.  My little cousin Desi came over to support and read the instructions (sent with my sperm from the sperm bank), and Trina (lil sis) was there for moral support. We followed all the instructions to prepare the sperm and we went for it. I ordered 2 vials of sperm bc I wanted to inseminate twice that day just to give myself double the chance of being successful. My cousin did the first insemination for me. Straight science class going on in my living room. I inseminated myself  the second time about 7 hours later.  I was so nervous and just praying I did it right. We will never know if I got my dang on self preggers. It will depend on my mood when/if I take ALL the credit. ;-) I inserted a soft gel cup after each insemination to avoid any of the sperm from seeping out. I learned that lil trick from watching my YouTube videos. My go to channel was Nellie and Teresa's. Nellie was a pregnant stud. AYYEEE!  To all my gentlewomen that think you can't do it go check her out. I did almost everything they did with the exception of a few things. They had a happy and healthy baby girl 2 months ago. I love YouTube bc I don't know them at all but I'm grateful for them. I learned alot. Check out their channel if you are planning on doing an at home insemination or just want to watch a happy couple grow their family. I LOVE, LOVE!! Thank you Teresa and Nellie!!!

I used my amazon prime account and purchased entirely too many pregnancy test. I had a box of 3 First Response Early Result, a box of 3 Clear Blue Digital test, and 30 cheap pregnancy test that came with 30 pee cups. Hashtag Shame!...I didn't start my period. Mind you, my cycle is clock work every month so I was pumped when FLO didn't show herself. I was so anxious and started taking test at 3 days past ovulation (DPO). WHYYY!!?? I was torturing myself. It was way too early. JUST SAY NO WHEN YOU'RE TEMPTED TO TEST WAY WAY TOO EARLY.  I continued the insanity and was so disappointed everytime. I turned on the waterworks 7 DPO when I got another negative result. I couldn't help it. I went into this thing saying I was going to be easy on myself and not put any pressure on the process. LIES!! I was a goner after my  insemination. I wanted my baby NOW. I wished for my baby NOW! I prayed for my baby NOW. I had watched so many YouTube videos and knew it was normal to have to try multiple times.  At 10 DPO I woke up at 7 AM. Just popped up out of bed. I was pretty sure it didn't take this month, and my missed period was just my nerves and the stress I was putting on myself. Get over it and prepare for next month is what I told myself. WELP! To my surprise. My prayers had been answered. I took the clear blue digital test and watched that lil clock blink for 3 minutes and BAM! The most beautiful word popped up...


I could try to give other women and families advice on what works, but ultimately I feel blessed. I was lucky and highly favored. It was just my time to get pregnant. The miracle of life happened and my baby boo is due to be here March 2015. Yay!!! So, that's my TTC story folks. If anyone has questions or wants any advice leave me a comment. If you currently trying to get pregnant,  I just want to wish you all the favor and luck in the world. Sending out lots of prayers and good vibes to all the women and families on your TTC journey. Until next time...BE BLESSED!!! 

Saturday, September 27, 2014


YAY, 4 months today! 24 weeks left until I meet my baby. I cannot wait to smell and kiss this lil sucker. Three of my close friends are expecting too.  Jennifer is 7 months along with her and Davide's 2nd baby girl, Baby Stella. Noah, my godbaby, just turned 4. Jenn and I have been BFFs since 3rd grade, so this is really excting for our families. Gabby is  22 weeks along with Baby Johnson. Gabby and I have known each other since elementary bc her mom, Mrs. Reynolds, was one of my Reading Teachers. Her husband, BJ, and I have been close friends since 6th grade.  Jenn, BJ and I  went to South Grand Prairie together and are all Class of 2000 AND Leos!! Last but not least is My Cuh Cuh, Shyra Ely, also a LEO, is 3 months along with her and Pee Wee's 1st, Baby Gash. We have a few fun things up our sleeves for everyone.  This was no accident that our babies are practically going to be twins. LOL.  We share the same jersey number, 43. We are obssessed with each other. This obssession started when we were at THE University of Tennesee!! GO VOLS!!! Of course, our babies are already BFFs... I am beyond excited to have so many of, not my just friends, but my best friends having babies right now. I will be mentioning these people alot so get familiar with their names. Greatness is about to be born folks, I DECLARE! 

I got this idea from Gabby's blog to keep everyone updated. Thanks girl!!

How far along? 16 weeks or 4 months 

Total weight gain/loss? I gained 6 lbs. I'm for sure its all in my butt and boobs. I'm the self proclaimed Boobologist so this really excites me. I'm spilling out of my bras!!! D cup, Dream cup,  here I come!!  I always wanted at least half of Camille Little's booty so bring on the BUTT baby!!! 

Bump showing? To me it's showing but I normally get "Girl go on somewhere. Aint nothing there!" HA! Meanies! 

                            I know you see it! 

Maternity Clothes? No, no need. I wear clothes that are skin tight and super short, so I've had to retire  my junior section clothes. 

Stretch Marks? Nope! Kathleen didn't get them so I'm hoping that's hereditary. I just stay oiled up. 

Sleep? I swear my body feels like I'm going through 2 a days. I wake up between 7 to 9 am and crash from 3pm to 6,7,8 pm. TYDE! I've always been a night owl. So, I don't get to bed most nights until after midnight depending on if I get my nap. If no nap I'm scooting to my bed at around 8. lol. 
Dreams? My dreams have traditionally always been more dramatic than most, and I'm a person that dreams every night.  SO NOW! OH MUH GAH! This week I've dreamt alot about being at my Granny's house. She has been deceased since 97' I believe. Which makes being at her house a bit weird. In every dream at her house I'm always not prepared to breastfeed. I never know how and my mom is always there to help me. I haven't seen my Granny yet in my dream. I was in her room and last night I was in her living room with all of my family.  I'm kind of excited about the night that I do see Granny and get to talk to her.  She was my only grandparent that I got to know. Tree's parents died before we were born and my mom's dad died when we were too young to remember him clearly. To get to see my Granny again even if it's in my dreams would make me really happy. She was a Leo too so I always feel like we would of had alot in common as adults.  Tear! 

Best moment this week? This week has been blah! Nothing special. 

Miss anything? I miss my lifestyle a bit. I love home but I'm bored to pieces. I would have alot of gatherings at my place. Good food, drinks and other fun things we like to partake in. Basically, TurnUp everyday bc we could. This may sound immature but I miss it. Just being honest.  My lil baby boo is worth the turndown. It was time. 

Baby movement? Not yet. 

Workout this week? I'll let you know when I workout any week. Lol. 

Hormonal moment of the week? I applied to be apart of a mentor program where elite ex athletes get mentored  for year by the most elite business women out there. I wasn't one of the 25 candidates picked. DENIED! I had a defeated moment where I was discouraged about everything. I had a quick feel sorry for myself moment where I cried in my pillow. lol.  I'm over it now. Gotta keep pushin!!! 

Food cravings? Cereal and milk. Big pickles in the gallon jar. Fruit with salt on it. Real Meat, beef and pork!! Mooooo!! OINK OINK!! 

Anything making you queasy or sick? No

Purchased any baby things yet? My baby already has a killer wardrobe. This lil sucker has a starter Ralph Lauren collection already. Ralph Lauren had a sale that I couldn't say no too. I also purchased a doppler fetal monitor to listen to my Baby Boo's heartbeat. It's very therapeutic. 

Gender prediction? I know what I'm having bc I did the Harmony test. But waiting until I can see for myself at 20 weeks to tell everyone. 

Baby Names? Yes. I've had my baby names for about 5 years now.  I'm such a girl!! 

Other body changes? My back kills me. I have never ever pee'ed this much in muh life. I go at least 10xs a day. 

Belly button in or out? In

Happy or moody most of the time? I'm happy most of the time. 

Looking forward to? My next sonogram appointment. I haven't seen my Baby Boo since 11 weeks 5 days. 

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Excuse me, What? MMMK, How? But, Why?

My parents reactions to my pregnancy pretty much sums up the way the rest of the world took it...

When I said the words "I'm Pregnant" I got the same reaction from most people. The first reaction was the confused "Waiii minute, what?" look. Which tickled me because I knew I had some "splaining" (ricky ricardo voice) to do. Single women get pregnant everyday, but the ones that know me best knew I wasn't partaking in situations that could end up with an "oops" pregnancy. My Dad, Tree, had the best "What" moment.  I won't be able to always quote him bc he is one of those Dads that just says the first funny and vulgar thing he can think of. I swear he thinks he's Red Foxx and Richard Pryor. If I put it in a proper Dad's words he asked with total confusion "Who have you been laying with daughter?" LOL! Cracked me up because I talk to Tree about everything, like I was his son, so he knew the answer to that question. NOBODY :( I understood the "What?" faces and responses bc me being pregnant came out of nowhere for most.  My Mom, Kathleen, had to make sure she was clear on what she had just heard. She started asking questions to clarify. Kathleen: So, you're adopting? Me: No Mama. I'm pregnant. Kathleen: Like, I'm going to be a real life Grandmother? Me: Yes Mama. There is a baby in my belly...Lol! It was a special moment and I enjoyed answering the Whats. 

After the "What?" came the even more confusing look and question "How?" How did I get pregnant? I got pregnant via sperm donation. I will talk more in detail on this in a later post.  Tree's immediate response "You been watching to much of them Atlanta Housewives!" LOL!!! I told yall he's funny. For all that do not watch that show, one of the ladies on there is in her 40s and was talking about her plans to have a baby through sperm donation. I can assure you all I was not influenced by the show. Lol. My sis, Trina, and I did get a good laugh out of that. My mom didn't seem to really care too much about the "How." She would of preferred me to be married to a good man, with a good job, and then baby. Ultimately,  she was just excited about FINALLY getting her first biological grandchild. No matter how it came to be. 

My mom did want to know "why" I chose this route.  My why is...I've always dreamed of being a mom. I was the little girl that got 2 or 3 cabbage patches a year and a couple barbies. I was the little girl that played house and had an imaginary husband, Bubba, that watched the kids while I was at school. I was the little girl that when my baby sister was born my mom told me she was my baby and I believed her. Heck, Trina is still my little baby at 29 years old. I became the adult that whenever I saw babies I just wanted to love on them. I have 4 nieces and nephews by my older sister, Shanda. I have 4 godkids. I felt like as a basketball player I wasn't in the position to have a baby. This was my time to fill that void that's always been in my heart. I was destined to be a Mother. I always wanted 2 or 3 biological childeren and 1 adopted child. This is the first step in that dream manifesting. I never would of thought in a million years I would be single, 32, and using a sperm donor to conceive my first born, but I am so grateful for science and mostly for God trusting me with one of His angels. I have so much love to pour into this baby I almost can't stand it. March 2015 cannot come fast enough. The day my baby comes into this world is a day yall will see a person getting what they have prayed for, living out a lifelong dream, and becoming what they were put on this Earth to be, A MOMMY!!