Sunday, October 26, 2014

Half-Baked...20 Week Update

This little superstar is half way here!!!! I'm getting super excited!!!

How far along? 20 weeks or 5 months

Total weight gain/loss? I ummm (gulp) have gained...15 lbs. Yikes.  I cannot complain because I have enjoyed all the home cooked southern meals. Kathleen has been on it. I get my mama's cooking about 2 times a week w/o even asking. My extra hungry self  will make request tho. My little neighbor Cooper, who I nicknamed Baby Boy, brought me over a big juicy piece of chicken off the grill, stuffed jalopenos, and rice the other night just to do something nice for someone (great parenting). I Smashed! I need to take them back their plate too.

Bump showing? I'll let yall be the judge of that one...

Maternity Clothes? I need to go shopping for a few comfy things. I prefer everything cotton and stretchy. I've been that person that when I sit down I unbutton and unzip my pants if need be bc I cannot take the digging. Also, I'm positive the folks sitting behind me at church a few sundays ago got a show that is not meant for the CHUUCH!!  Crack is Wack!! Forgive me St. John!!! 

Stretch Marks? Nope! Kathleen didn't get them so I'm hoping that's hereditary. I just stay oiled up. 

Sleep? Some nights I sleep sound and others I just can't get comfy. I cherish nap time.  No more Fiestas only Siestas. (ha! #corny)

Dreams? I've been dreaming of my baby. Mainly what she/he is going to look like.

Best moment this week? My little sister, Trina, is the Head Women's Basketball Coach at Irving High School and the Women's Coordinator. We have our very own HBIC!!! "HOW U DOIN!" I got to go to her first week of official practice. I AM BEYOND PROUD OF HER. She really is becoming my shining star. To see my baby do her thing gives me life.

Miss anything? I miss being in the gym. Going to Trina's practices and getting to help out was uplifting. I love the game and I'm for sure my playing days are over, but I don't want to lose touch. It always feels good to give back to our youth. My calling isn't coaching. I'm starting to think working with our future ballers might be tho...

Baby movement? I've been feeling flutters and what feels like a frog in my belly from time to time. I  think it's my baby! Yay!!!

Workout this week? I passed to the post and did 6 touches of the width of the court. Whoop!!

Hormonal moment of the week? I've been pretty good this week.  My Aunt Lois was really sick for awhile and that had me all messed up thinking about if she wasn't going to be here to experience my first born. I got all in my feelings about my baby not getting to know such an important person in our lives. To God be the glory. Everything looked so grave and now my Auntie called me today just to tell she met someone at her rehabilitation center that I went to high school with.  She is doing great and making a full recovery. 

Food cravings? Muffins, cookies, cakes, bread, pies...Thanksgiving is going to be out of control if I'm still craving all these goodies!! 

Anything making you queasy or sick? I have a lil cold. Stopped up nose, sneezing and coughing. The coughing is the worst part with all the Ebola panic. I feel like people are giving me the sideeye. 

Purchased any baby things yet? Kathleen and Tree hooked up their grandbaby with the cutest outfits. This kid is going to be rotten. The Storm also sent us a sweet little gift. I'm grateful I got to be apart of such a great organization! Hey #STORMCRAZIES!!!
Thank you Shannon and all the Storm family for welcoming me into the mommy club!!  

Gender prediction? I know what I'm having bc I did the Harmony test. I went in for my 18-22 week ultra sound. Welp! The baby was breech, laying on its stomach with the legs tucked tightly up underneath. The cutest thing ever. My baby finally moved and we got a glimpse of what's in between those legs. But, I want a better picture before I say if its a girl or boy. I go back in a couple weeks to get better pics. The gender reveal post is coming in 2 weeks no matter if I get my pic or not. I can't wait to show yall the cute little clothes we have. 

Baby Names? Yes. I've had my baby names for about 5 years now.  I'm such a girl!! 

Other body changes? I've been having all the ligament pains. I feel my body making room for baby. 

Belly button in or out? To my surprise its popping out. Stay tuned for my third nipple. NOT CUTE!

Happy or moody most of the time? I'm happy most of the time. 

Looking forward to? My next sonogram appointment. Always love seeing my baby. 

I'll check back later this week with my post on how I picked my donor...Be blessed people!!! Spread the L-O-V-E!!!! 

1 comment:

  1. I'm a fellow SMBC, and I LOVE the ultrasound days! Nothing better than seeing the baby. I used a donor too...I'm due in May. Love your blog because so far, our journeys have been about the same. :)
